
 Items to Provide for each Year End

  1. Electronic copy of bookkeeping data, program name and version number, and password where appropriate
    (such as Sage backup .CAB, Quickbooks backup .QBB, or Excel spreadsheet)

  2. If you keep manual bookkeeping records, we will need either originals or a copy

  3. Bank statements with cancelled cheques and bank reconciliations

  4. Copy of investment sales and purchases (or supply all statements for the year)

  5. Aged receivable listing that balances and reconciliation to General Ledger if different

  6. List of doubtful accounts (can be highlighted on aged receivable listing)

  7. Support for inter-company balances/reconciliations

  8. Inventory listing including date of count and method of valuing (cost or retail - if retail please indicate the markup rate)

  9. Details of property, plant and equipment bought, sold or traded during year (i.e. receipts over $2,500)

  10. Details of any address changes

  11. Bank statements to support bank loan values and/or lines of credit

  12. Accounts payable aged listing that balances and reconciliation to the General Ledger if different, plus a list of any other amounts owing at year-end not included in the accounts payable listing

  13. Remittance forms, from the month after year end, to support year end values for source deductions

  14. Income tax instalment statements and notices of assessments (federal and provincial)

  15. GST and PST returns for the year

  16. Details of any shareholder transactions/drawings

  17. Details of any changes in share ownership

  18. Copies of new leases which began during the year

  19. Copies of significant contracts entered into during the year

  20. First-time corporate clients or newly incorporated businesses: Please provide copies of your minute book, including Incorporation Documents, Register of Directors, Share Registry, and Articles.